Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Top Ten Stupid Things Said In Studio STA 2010

To celebrate our little recording studio being one year old today - we thought we'd raid the archives and list the top ten stupidest things said within these four walls over the last twelve months. All of these are actual, factual real idiocy expressed by the artists themselves.

1. "Who is Steve Albini?" - Niall Axis Of
2. "That Microphone Looks Like A Robot's Dick" - Ewen Axis Of
3. "Who is Henry Rollins?" - Enda General Fiasco
4. "February 29th will come round quick lads" - Owen General Fiasco
5. "This Is A Big Tune I Limavady Sir!" - Shaggy Furlo (speaking about one of his own songs)
6. "Is There Anything More Sugary Than Sugar?" - Emilio Illness
7. "I Never Go Out of Tune" - Johnny And So I Watch You From Afar
8. "I'd Shag Cher!" - Carl Event Horses
9. "Plan B's A Wanker, I'm Affable As Fuck!" - Wileman
10. "If You Cant Trust Your Limo Driver Who Can You Trust?"- Chris STA

Extra Bonus from 2011

11."Here I Am Skinning Up on A Sleater Kinney Vinyl - How Indie Am I?" -
Charlie Desert Hearts

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